PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) has been used to treat Erectile Dysfunction for several years now. With more and more published trials, Doctors are gaining increasing confidence in its use and effectiveness.
In this article, we will talk about a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in March 2021 studying the effectiveness of PRP on ED treatment.
Study on using PRP to treat ED
This was the first double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and safety of using PRP to treat ED.
In terms of quality of studies, these kind of trials are the Holy Grail. As in they are deemed to provide the highest quality and most accurate information.
What the study did
The study recruited sexually active patients.
They were randomly assigned to either receive PRP injections or “sham” injections (basically just injected with salt water). Each group was given 2 injections given 1 month apart. Both the patients and Doctors both were not informed of which group they were in. This is to minimize placebo effect. The patients were also not allowed to use any other treatments for ED (like Viagra) during the study period.
After the injections were given, the patients were asked to come back in 1, 3 and 6 months to report on how they felt.
What the study found
69% of patients who received PRP treatment reports a significant improvement in their erections. This is compared to 27% in the group of patients who received the placebo.
Patients who received the PRP injections were more satisfied with their treatment.
Also, there were no side effects observed for both groups.
What the study concluded
Unsurprisingly, the sutdy concluded that PRP appears to be a safe and effective treamtnet for mild to moderate Erectile Dysfunction.
What about combining PRP with ESWT?
ESWT, or more accurately Li-ESWT (Low-Intensity Electro Shock Wave Therapy) is an established treatment for mild to moderate ED. This treatment involves the delivery of painless low intensity shock waves into the penis to stimulate blood vessel growth and nerve rejuvenation.
2 trials were done on exactly this topic. One of which was published in March 2019 in the Journal European Urology. In the both trials, patients were randomized to received either ESWT alone or ESWT in combination with PRP. And in both trials patients who received the combination treatment reported significant improvement in their erectile functions at 3 months and 6 months after the treatment.
So what now?
If you are suffering from mild to moderate Erectile Dysfunction and think that PRP with or without ESWT may be right for you, please do come down to have a discussion with us.
Email us at: doc@drtanmedicalcenter.com.sg
WhatsApp us at: +65-97505037
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